UOW College and University Student Homestay


Facilitated by UOW College, the Homestay program is designed to connect students with local families living in Wollongong. There are many benefits gained from this rich cultural exchange. Students are welcomed into homes as a new member of the family and supported as they adapt to a new culture and lifestyle. Homestay is available to both domestic and international UOW College and UOW students.


Quality Endorsed by NEAS

The UOW College Homestay program is Quality Endorsed by NEAS and adheres to the Australian National Code of Practice. This means you can be assured of consistent standards of student welfare, support services and consumer protection. Our goal is to make the UOW College Homestay a happy and successful experience for both students and hosts.

The Homestay experience

Home away from home

Leaving home at 17 is a challenge, but relocating to a new country alone brings even greater challenges, ones that our Homestay program aims to ease.

A place to call home

Meet the Wollongong families opening their homes to international students.

More than just a room

In Wollongong, a lively home buzzes with laughter, animated discussions, and the daily humdrum of family life.

The Homestay program has expanded our world. We've journeyed through cultures, traditions, and life experiences without ever stepping out of our front door. Alison Homestay Host

Are you an agent? Email homestay-enquiries@uow.edu.au to register for the UOW College Homestay program.